- Here are some things you might want to try.
- Tell someone they are a blessing to you. Be specific.
- Tell someone you are praying for them (and make sure to do so).
- Send flowers to perk up someones day.
- Write out a card to say hello. (be sure to mail it or hand deliver it)
- Give a compliment to a different person every day for a week.
- Share a special verse either by word of mouth or write it in a card or note.
- Send someone a candy note. (See the Candy Notes Ideas)
- Praise someone out-loud for something they've accomplished.
- Go out of your way to talk to someone and just "listen" to what's going on in their lives. Make the conversation about them and not you.
- Share your enthusiasm about something God's done for you. (Be specific)
- Share how the women's ministry in your church is a blessing to you.
- Invite someone out or over to lunch or dinner.
- Have a coffee or a soft drink with someone you don't normally fellowship with.
- Take someone out for ice-cream just because.
- Bake someone cookies, a pie, or cake and drop it off to them.
- Offer to babysit for a mother who needs a break.
- Pass on a book that you've already read that's been a blessing or that you just thoroughly enjoyed.
- Pray for someone every day at least 3 times a day for a week. It will probably do you just as much good as the one you are praying for.
- Invite someone over for tea.
- Invite a couple ladies over to watch a movie together.
- Offer to take dinner to a family that you know is in need or could use the help.
- Give a sister in the Lord a hug.
Copyright ©2001-2013 Julia Bettencourt
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