Monday, July 15, 2013

Educational and Job Opportunities

1.Wake Forest university has an opportunity for minority students to attend its MBA program for FREE, and so far, the response has been very poor. Please pass along this opportunity to your friends, families. This is a great school and a tremendous opportunity to attend a top graduate school. See the details below the contract person is:
Derrick S. Boone, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marketing, Rm. 3139, Worrell Professional Center, Babcock Graduate School of Management - Wake Forest University - Winston SalemN.C. 27109-8738
email: or
Phone number toll free (866) 925-3622.

2. Black male Teachers needed. Do you know any black Males who are seniors in high school who want to go to college out of state for FREE? The CALL ME MISTER program offered by 4 historical black colleges in South Carolina, Benedict College, Chaflin University, Morris Collegeand South Carolina State University.
Details onlineapplication visit or
Call 1-800-640-2657.

3. Harvard University is offering free tuition to families of HONOR STUDENTS and their income is less than $125,000 per year.
Visit or call 1-617-495-1581.

. Syracuse University School of Architecture is desperately seeking young women and men of color interested in pursuing a 5 yr. Professional degree in Architecture.
Contact: mark Robbins, Dean School of Architecture, 201 Slocum Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244-1250or go online at

5. A free pair of eyeglasses from Target for any child ages 12 and under brings a valid prescription for glasses from their doctor. You can find stores with optical departments at

6. APPLY NOW - If you have/know young adults between the ages of 18-31 with a High School Diploma. Can earn up to $100,000 and earn benefits. The Federal Aviation Association is taking application for AirTraffic Controller School visit the website at

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