Monday, June 10, 2013

What's your Purpose and How to find it- Answer these questions

By Cindy Trimm and Sharon Morse



1. What are you passionate about? What excites you and pulls at your heart strings that you enjoy?  


2. What ignites your curiosity? What do you wonder about in your mind when you think of a activity that you know you would be great at?         


3. What kinds of people attract your attention? Is it lawyers, preachers, musicians, writers, doctors, encouragers.. Etc.           


4. What sparks your creative juices? Painting, speaking, selling, dancing, cooking, sewing, decorating etc.                                                    


5. What is your choice of a hobby or a sport?What you do in your free time is a indication of your purpose.  


6. What do people compliment you on? What ability do people say your great at?                                                         


7. Who is your mentor? Who do you admire the most an why?                           


8. What makes you feel alive that you could absolutely do every day?    


9. If you had all the money in the world(no barriers to keep you from your purpose) what profession would you be in?                                                               


10. What do you wish you could do if you weren't afraid to do it?                  


11. What do you do naturally, what comes easy to you?                                   


12. What do you want people to say about your accomplishments after you die?                                                         


A lot of times we are afraid to do what's been put in our heart. A lot of times we follow someone else's plan or purpose but it’s time to start seeking what God has placed in YOU so you can start living your purpose. Then resources will come to you to get you therebecause it’s a part of a divine plan called…Your Destiny!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Thank you for posting this! When I heard the words I quickly wrote them down and I had to share because it's so powerful. What we think are hobbies that we love to do are really a part of His purpose for our life. We don't even think of it like that but it's so true. Thank you God for our gifts that you have given us! -Sharon M.
