Thursday, January 30, 2014

Act of Kindness

Hey lovelies!!

The month of February is called the "Love Month" with that being said let's spread some love to the homeless population! We are so blessed and we never know when the tables might turn.. So with that being said during our Women's Release Moment in February; I would love it if you all would bring a small item that can be placed in a gallon ziplock bag! Items can range from crackers, socks,wash clothes, apple sauce, deodorant (men & women), toothbrush, tooth paste.. Etc I know we can truly bless someone's life with these items! We can even put written prayers inside the bags! You can do what you can within your personal budget, this is not mandatory as I will have some items as well! I'm so excited to fellowship with you ladies!! See you soon!! 

Stay Close To God, 


Friday, January 24, 2014

Venting/Rant End of January 2014

Self evaluation is something that we should all invest time in on a daily basis. I know for me it is imperative. With the month of January coming to an end I wrote out a list of accomplishments, and to be honest it wasn't filled with a list of life changing strides. I believe this is due to the fact that I didn't initially set goals. I just was "going with the flow." Now as for the month of February, I have written out a list of goals for the major four areas of my life: Ministry, Family, Personal, Work. I want to excel in the year of 2014 and this is a habit that I want to begin doing. I believe that it is those small decisions that we make daily that surmount to our larger goals. I think it's great to have yearly goals, but how will you reach them if monthly you are just alive, but now living daily.

I am in school and to be honest I have NOT been putting my best foot forward. I have been doing my tests, going to class, etc. but I have not really been putting in the necessary time to be as successful in school as I could be. I think I treated school like another chore, and not really enjoying it, just doing it because I said I would. Gotta do better…

My hair is falling OUT! What the What.... So after you have a baby if you are fortunate enough to not have postpartum shedding... GOD BLESS YOU! WOO! However, if you are like the rest of us and your hair sheds like crazy then... YEA... GOD BLESS US TOO! LOL I know it is a hormonal thing and I know this too shall pass but still... it is to say the least... unnerving. But GOD, so God reminded me in the mist of me washing my hair one day that, that's what my relationship looks like with Him, falling out piece by piece. Just as I take time out each week to do my hair, I need to daily take care of my relationship with HIM as well!

Let's talk about this Janelle Mona'e CD... it is awesomesauce in my ears... very well thought out music... I'm enjoying every track..take a listen..

What else...I have lost weight and I feel great! However, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said I need to eat better food, because yea... she goes in on the Oreos... I just think they taste so amazing... DONT JUDGE ME! We all have problems..I'm just the first to admit it.. LOL (On My Kanye)

Can Christians listen to "worldly music" just like everything else, anything that is consumed too much can be bad for you... #jussaying #balanceiskey...

What did I learn through all this:
I really love life...and I wanna keep on living... I am thankful for my life... God is Great...

Making Adjustments

Success is never achieved in a straight line. Although it’s great to carefully put together workable, realistic plans, life doesn’t always go according to plan.

Yet even when conditions change quickly and dramatically, success is still possible. To succeed in such a world as this, you must be willing to constantly adapt.

When something fails to go the way you planned, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, things could eventually turn out to be even better than you planned.

Regardless of what happens or fails to happen, you can choose to successfully work it into your path forward. Instead of making judgments about what you cannot control, make adjustments in those things you can control.

It might be nice if everything were to play out according to your plan, but the thing is, it won’t.
There will most certainly be surprises, so you might as well find a way to make positive use of them.

Don’t give up on your goals or dreams just because things change. Adapt, make adjustments, and make every turn of events move you forward.

— Ralph Marston

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Women's Release Day Change

Hey Beautiful! 

After a few conversations with people I have noticed that Thursday's may not be the best day for most people due to Choir Rehearsals and other meeting obligations, and you know I am always trying to meet the needs of everyone so we will test Saturday, February 22, 2014 to see if this is a good day! I will post and let you all know the finalized date for each month, but for this month we will flow with this date! 

See you all Saturday February 22, 2014 at 7pm 

Don't  forget the book of the month is 5 Love Languages. View my previous post for more information! 

Love you all 


Book of The Month:February 2014

Hey Ladies!!!

So a lot of your asked for a book of the month to discuss for Women's Release. So, for February's Women's Release we will be reading 5 Love Languages. Now you may say, I've read it or I'm not married or even in a relationship why should I take time out to read this?? Well, truth be told love is reciproted in all types of relationships; not just in intimate relationships. I believe that it is healthy to know how you love and want to be loved. Moreover, I believe that this is a healthy read for all people not just for women. This book can be found on Amazon or in local retailers such as Barnes and Knoble. It can also be purchased for Kindle or Nook! We will be discussing this at February's Meetup! Which will be held on Tuesday's instead of Thursday's moving forward! See you February 18, 2014 at 7pm! 

Listen to Wisdom

When you apply the wisdom of God to your life you will not only have a blessed life but you will have what it takes to keep going through trials and set-backs. 

Far too many people ignore wisdom because either they don't want to hear it or they don't recognise it when they do. Wisdom has to be sown into your life before it can produce fruit. 

One of the first indicators of wisdom is your words. What is inside you will come out. If you haven't fed your soul with God's wisdom then wisdom won't come forth from your lips. Proverbs 10:21 says, "The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for lack of wisdom." 

In the same way, if you keep company with wise people, receiving their advice, you will gain wisdom. Proverbs 13:20 says, "He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed." 

Stop and think for a moment - are you "feeding" on wisdom? What kind of words are you speaking regularly? Are your words feeding others or are they pulling down? 

Make a decision today to "lean in" to wisdom. Receive wisdom from wise people, feed on God's wisdom every day. Positioning yourself to receive and apply positive, life-giving words is an essential key to building a blessed and productive life.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Too much to do..

Too much to do

Are you overwhelmed by all the things you need to do? Then stop needing to do all of them and start actually doing one of them.
The best response to being overwhelmed is not to impress yourself or others with how overwhelmed you feel. The best response is disciplined, focused action.
Don’t be stopped, or even slowed down, by the fact that you can’t imagine getting it all done. Let go of your thoughts about what’s still left to do, and give all your attention to what you are doing, right here and now.
In fact, it’s a good thing you have so much to do. So gratefully accept that blessing and get going on the first task, and then the next, and the next.
You have a continuing stream of opportunities to make a difference. Keep yourself busy transforming those opportunities, one by one, into real value.
When there’s much that must be done, pick the most important thing and get busy. Get on the path to achievement, and keep going.
— Ralph Marston

Are you overwhelmed by all the things you need to do? Then stop needing to do all of them and start actually doing one of them.

The best response to being overwhelmed is not to impress yourself or others with how overwhelmed you feel. The best response is disciplined, focused action.

Don’t be stopped, or even slowed down, by the fact that you can’t imagine getting it all done. Let go of your thoughts about what’s still left to do, and give all your attention to what you are doing, right here and now.

In fact, it’s a good thing you have so much to do. So gratefully accept that blessing and get going on the first task, and then the next, and the next.

You have a continuing stream of opportunities to make a difference. Keep yourself busy transforming those opportunities, one by one, into real value.

When there’s much that must be done, pick the most important thing and get busy. Get on the path to achievement, and keep going.
— Ralph Marston

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

I Will Fight

This Christian life is not easy.

I have an Enemy that is real.
I face battles that feel overwhelming.
There are times when I’m tired and I want to give up.

I will fight.

I Will Fight is an audio track recorded by Pastor Steven Furtick to help you get focused and to prepare you for the challenges ahead. Download the free track and build it into your daily rhythm. Whether you’re getting ready to work out, to suit up for your next game, or you’re in the car in need of a quick lift, you have an unstoppable God whose strength and power can help you push through and continue the fight – no matter what you’re facing.

Click here to download the FREE MP3.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Time It Will Take

The time it will take

You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.
Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results.
When you’re moving in a positive direction, enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.
Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to make an increasingly valuable difference as time goes on.
There is great joy to be found in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more joy you are able to experience.
Cheerfully give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston


The time it will take

You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.
Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results.
When you’re moving in a positive direction, enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.
Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to make an increasingly valuable difference as time goes on.
There is great joy to be found in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more joy you are able to experience.
Cheerfully give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston


The time it will take

You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.
Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results.
When you’re moving in a positive direction, enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.
Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to make an increasingly valuable difference as time goes on.
There is great joy to be found in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more joy you are able to experience.
Cheerfully give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston

You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.

Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results.

When you’re moving in a positive direction, enjoy the ride and give it the time it takes. Even though the fulfillment is not yet complete, you can already begin to experience it.

Don’t be afraid of the time it will take to make real progress. Be thankful for the opportunity to make an increasingly valuable difference as time goes on.

There is great joy to be found in meaningful effort. The longer and more committed the effort is, the more joy you are able to experience.

Cheerfully give yourself and your work the time it takes. Choose a worthy destination, and treasure every step of the journey.
— Ralph Marston

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Declaration Journal

What you will need:
1. A notebook of your choosing preferably something that is large or a 3ring binder to add paper to.
2. A prayer partner: someone that will keep you accountable and consistent! 
  • My first few pages are the lessons that I learned in 2013.
  • The next few pages are my goals for 2014.  The goal pages consist of answering the following questions:
    • Where am I currently?
    • What is the approach to get where I need to be in Christ?
    • Who's going to hold me accountable?
    • What is my faith goal?
    • How will I grow in my management and stewardship of resources?
    • How will I grow in my preparation for my future career, education, and learning personal development?
    • How will I develop and measure my relationships?  Who will I associate with?
    • How will I develop and impact my family relationships?
  • After these questions are answered, begin by adding today's date and your declaration.  Add a new declaration daily. 
  • Designate a day and time once a week (the same day every week) to take turns reading your declarations with your prayer partner. After you all read them, each of you should conclude by praying over each other's declarations.  Take the declarations seriously! Don't just write things because they sound good, make it personal to your life.  The goals portion of your journal should be a great help in creating your declarations.  
  • Each week you read your declaration, you should begin with the very first declaration and end with the last declaration with whatever week you are on.  As time progresses, your conversations with your prayer partner will get longer because there will be so many declarations to read but it's so worth it!
  • Pick times to revisit your goals throughout the year and revamp them if needed.
The word says that our words are powerful!! Therefore, let 2014 be a year of powerful life changing declarations and affirmations!! I got this beautiful idea from my BFF BB!! Check out her blog as well 
She has some very powerful posts!! 

Ttyl Lovies!! ❤️