Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grace is power


When it comes to grace, people usually go wrong in one of two ways.

We either think that we’re too far gone for it and dismiss it.
Or we take it for granted and abuse it.

While they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum, they’re actually just two different expressions of the same problem:
They both view grace as weakness.

The first group lives as if grace is too weak to rescue them.
The second group lives as if grace is too weak to transform them.

Both are wrong. Grace isn’t weakness.

Grace is power. It is power to saveand to transform. To cover all of our sins and remove them from our lives. To get you off the hook and to get you into the zone of transformation.

Check out 1 Corinthians 15:9-10:
9 For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

I love that. First Paul relates with those of us who think you’re the exception to God’s grace. If there was ever a candidate, it was Paul. Not you. And apparently his sin wasn’t too powerful for God’s infinitely more powerful grace. And neither is yours.

Then he comes in and punches those of us who abuse it in the mouth. God’s grace is not without effect. Grace isn’t just a cheap perfume you splash on to cover the stench of your sins. It’s the power to change your life from the inside out.

Grace is power.
Power to save. Power to live right. Power to talk right. Power to walk right. Power to give. Power to forgive. Power to do anything God calls you to do in His name. Power to pray. Power to overcome.

Paul could have lived in perpetual guilt for what he had done. Or he could have taken advantage of what God had done for him. But he didn’t. And look at what he became.

You have the same options.
Embrace the power of God’s grace and imagine what you’ll become.

Resource of the Day: Another overlooked aspect of grace is that it doesn’t just rescue you from a life engrossed in sin. It also keeps you from it. If you’re like me and don’t have the most dramatic testimony, check out this post for some encouragement and motivation for praising God for what He has kept you from: Grace redefined.

By Steven Furtick 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Women's Release Update

Good Afternoon Everyone,

My bundle of Joy is finally here!!!! I gave birth this past Sunday 10/6/13 to a beautiful baby boy!! With that being said there will be no Women's Release this week. I will keep you updated for November. However, I don't want to leave you without any encouragement for the month, so if you are able to attend the below event I know it will definitely change some mindsets,provide Godly Wisdom, as well as fun!!! Rickeysha is the POC for this event contact email her at if you would like to attend!!! If there are any other events you would like to share with the group just send me a txt I may respond a little slower than normal lol new mommy! But I will def. txt u back! Love u all!!! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Lord I thank You that I am your child, for giving me the name of Jesus and the authority that goes with it. For giving me Your Holy Spirit, the greater one, the mighty power of God who leads me into all truth.

In the name of Jesus, I thank You that according to Your Word I have authority over all the power of the enemy, over all disease, to move obstacles, to stop problems, to calm storms, to rebuke evil. I have authority in the name of Jesus.

(Put your hand on your head) In the name of Jesus, fear and doubt leave me now, be gone. Confusion, deception be gone, heaviness by gone, depression and oppression be gone in Jesus name. Mind be strong, think clear, be bright and sharp.

(Put your hand on your chest) Soul… be peaceful, be at rest, be free, be loosed, be restored.

(Put your hand somewhere on your body) Body… be strong, anything that ought not be in this body I speak against you, I command you in the name of Jesus, die, dry up, be gone, leave my body!

(Hand to heart) Heart… be clear and strong.

(Hand to lungs) Lungs… be clear, be strong.

(Hand to stomach) Stomach and intestines… be healed, be whole, be free, work right.

Every organ, every gland be right, be normal, be healthy, be strong. Every bone, every muscle, every joint, every ligament, my nerves, my skin… be healthy be whole, be right, be strong in Jesus name… and my children’s!

In the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to take your hands off my money. NOW! Off my finances, off my investments, off my business, off my job. In Jesus name. Stop in your operations and cease your maneuvers.

Ministering spirits, angels… GO! God, command them to go. Cause money to come, work… influence… cause it to come in Jesus name to our household.

And in the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to stop your maneuvers against my marriage, my family, my children, I forbid it. I bind it. You cannot continue. I stop it now in Jesus name. I say my marriage is strong, I say my family is strong, and free and right.

In Jesus name I thank you Lord. Amen