Wednesday, December 25, 2013

What are your thoughts???

This photo really had my brain churning.. What are your thoughts about it? 

Vision 2014 Women's Release

Hello Beautiful!!!

Women's Release has been on a bit of a hiatus since the birth of my beautiful son Brock!!!! I've had to totally reconstruct my life! (in a good way) I am so thankful for my wonderful support system (God,my husband, family, and friends) you all have made this transition easy! With all that being said Women's Release will commence at the top of the year!! January 16, 2014 and will be on the 3rd Thursday of every month moving forward. We will meet from 7-8p.m. I hope to see you all there!!! This year I pray that we can fellowship more, do community outreach, and change lives for the better!!! I pray that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!!! 

Love you all!!

See you soon!


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Where to Look to Find Joy

Joy. We don’t really know how to define it, but we know that we like it and many of us spend most of our lives trying to find it. We look for joy in our jobs, in relationships, in temporary pleasure. But at the end of the day, all these things will fall short. They will leave us empty and unfulfilled and we start looking somewhere new the find our joy. But as believers, as Pastor Steven reminds us in this clip from our series “The Joy Genome,” we have never-ending access to the most powerful source of true joy.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hold on tight to what you can’t get back


A dilemma we all face is trying to determine how tight of a grip we should maintain on different things in our lives. A question I have started asking myself to help sort my priorities and determine the strength of my grip is what can’t I get back?

Not everything is replaceable. There are some things you simply can’t get back if you lose them. And these are the things I want to hold onto the tightest.

You can’t get back hours you missed out playing with your kids because you didn’t leave work at work.

You can’t get back your marriage if your actions and behaviors cause it to completely disintegrate.

You can’t get back the integrity you spent years building because you wanted to cut a corner for momentary pleasure or gain.

No paycheck or promotion is worth your family. No stubborn habit is worth your marriage. No compromise is worth your character. Prioritize what is most important in your life and hold onto it with everything you’ve got. Ruthlessly fight anything that threatens to loosen your grip.

We often hold too tightly onto the things we could replace or do away with all too easilyLet them go. Hold on tight to what matters most.

Or you might not get it back.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grace is power


When it comes to grace, people usually go wrong in one of two ways.

We either think that we’re too far gone for it and dismiss it.
Or we take it for granted and abuse it.

While they’re on opposite ends of the spectrum, they’re actually just two different expressions of the same problem:
They both view grace as weakness.

The first group lives as if grace is too weak to rescue them.
The second group lives as if grace is too weak to transform them.

Both are wrong. Grace isn’t weakness.

Grace is power. It is power to saveand to transform. To cover all of our sins and remove them from our lives. To get you off the hook and to get you into the zone of transformation.

Check out 1 Corinthians 15:9-10:
9 For I am the least of the apostles and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.

I love that. First Paul relates with those of us who think you’re the exception to God’s grace. If there was ever a candidate, it was Paul. Not you. And apparently his sin wasn’t too powerful for God’s infinitely more powerful grace. And neither is yours.

Then he comes in and punches those of us who abuse it in the mouth. God’s grace is not without effect. Grace isn’t just a cheap perfume you splash on to cover the stench of your sins. It’s the power to change your life from the inside out.

Grace is power.
Power to save. Power to live right. Power to talk right. Power to walk right. Power to give. Power to forgive. Power to do anything God calls you to do in His name. Power to pray. Power to overcome.

Paul could have lived in perpetual guilt for what he had done. Or he could have taken advantage of what God had done for him. But he didn’t. And look at what he became.

You have the same options.
Embrace the power of God’s grace and imagine what you’ll become.

Resource of the Day: Another overlooked aspect of grace is that it doesn’t just rescue you from a life engrossed in sin. It also keeps you from it. If you’re like me and don’t have the most dramatic testimony, check out this post for some encouragement and motivation for praising God for what He has kept you from: Grace redefined.

By Steven Furtick 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Women's Release Update

Good Afternoon Everyone,

My bundle of Joy is finally here!!!! I gave birth this past Sunday 10/6/13 to a beautiful baby boy!! With that being said there will be no Women's Release this week. I will keep you updated for November. However, I don't want to leave you without any encouragement for the month, so if you are able to attend the below event I know it will definitely change some mindsets,provide Godly Wisdom, as well as fun!!! Rickeysha is the POC for this event contact email her at if you would like to attend!!! If there are any other events you would like to share with the group just send me a txt I may respond a little slower than normal lol new mommy! But I will def. txt u back! Love u all!!! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Lord I thank You that I am your child, for giving me the name of Jesus and the authority that goes with it. For giving me Your Holy Spirit, the greater one, the mighty power of God who leads me into all truth.

In the name of Jesus, I thank You that according to Your Word I have authority over all the power of the enemy, over all disease, to move obstacles, to stop problems, to calm storms, to rebuke evil. I have authority in the name of Jesus.

(Put your hand on your head) In the name of Jesus, fear and doubt leave me now, be gone. Confusion, deception be gone, heaviness by gone, depression and oppression be gone in Jesus name. Mind be strong, think clear, be bright and sharp.

(Put your hand on your chest) Soul… be peaceful, be at rest, be free, be loosed, be restored.

(Put your hand somewhere on your body) Body… be strong, anything that ought not be in this body I speak against you, I command you in the name of Jesus, die, dry up, be gone, leave my body!

(Hand to heart) Heart… be clear and strong.

(Hand to lungs) Lungs… be clear, be strong.

(Hand to stomach) Stomach and intestines… be healed, be whole, be free, work right.

Every organ, every gland be right, be normal, be healthy, be strong. Every bone, every muscle, every joint, every ligament, my nerves, my skin… be healthy be whole, be right, be strong in Jesus name… and my children’s!

In the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to take your hands off my money. NOW! Off my finances, off my investments, off my business, off my job. In Jesus name. Stop in your operations and cease your maneuvers.

Ministering spirits, angels… GO! God, command them to go. Cause money to come, work… influence… cause it to come in Jesus name to our household.

And in the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to stop your maneuvers against my marriage, my family, my children, I forbid it. I bind it. You cannot continue. I stop it now in Jesus name. I say my marriage is strong, I say my family is strong, and free and right.

In Jesus name I thank you Lord. Amen




Monday, September 30, 2013

Now is The Time

Now is the time to act. Now is the time to live. There is no time other than the present. The past is a memory and the future is never here. Now is when you can make a difference, and now is when you can fulfill your dreams.

If you wait until the time is perfect, you’ll wait forever. If you think you don’t feel like taking action, and that you’ll wait until you feel like it, you won’t ever feel like it. If you make excuses, you’ll end up watching your precious time slip away with nothing to show for it. Instead of sitting around waiting for enough energy to get going, go ahead, get yourself moving and you’ll create the energy necessary to keep you in motion. If you just do not feel like doing anything, that’s the time when you can make the biggest positive difference for yourself by going ahead and taking action anyway.

Now is the time that matters. In ways small and large, your world right now is filled with opportunities to make a difference. Take the initiative. The only thing necessary to take the first step is your decision to do it.

Make that decision. Take that first step and put momentum solidly on your side. If you think you can’t do it, stop thinking and start doing. The smallest positive action can begin to erase even the biggest doubt.

When you find yourself making an excuse, take a good, careful look at that excuse. What if you could transform it into a powerful reason for stepping forward? Whatever serves as an excuse for not taking action can instead serve as a compelling reason to go ahead and act. It all depends on how you choose to see it.

Stop and listen to the excuses you make. You’ll realize that they’re only excuses because you cast them as such. But you don’t have to do that. The events and circumstances in your life are what they are. What makes them meaningful to you is the way you choose to see them and respond to them. There are plenty of perfectly reasonable excuses for not moving forward, if you decide to view them as such. However, it is just as realistic to see those same factors as reasons to take action without delay, as reasons to go ahead and make the most of now. The amazing thing is, whatever may be stopping you could be pushing you forward.

Make the choice to let that happen. Transform the excuses into powerful, compelling reasons to take action. Instead of being stopped by why you can’t, be energized by why you must.

Remember, success does not come to those who merely have great ideas. Success comes to those who have great ideas and who follow through on them. Your carefully crafted plans bring value only when you put them into action. The best of intentions are useful only when you follow through on them. During the course of the day, many thoughts cross your mind. Yet just as easily and quickly as those thoughts come, they recede, so it’s crucial to begin acting on the best ones right away. Before a valuable and meaningful intention gets pushed out of your mind by another thought, do something about it. Set the process irrevocably in motion and begin to bring that intention to life. When you think of doing something, there’s a reason why you have that thought. Listen to what the thought is suggesting, and take action immediately.

Don’t let the idea or the intention or the vision slip away. Take action and make it real. Now is your moment to create value. The thoughts that come to you now are the thoughts that are best acted upon right now

— Ralph Marston

Enjoy Now

Life is better, you are better, things are better, your outlook is better, your attitude is better, your work is better, you’re more effective, you’re more positive, more motivated, more inspired, more energetic, when you are enjoying yourself. So here’s a plan. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy what you’re doing. Enjoy where you are.

Enjoy what you have. Enjoy what you see. Enjoy what you know. Enjoy the people you’re with. Enjoy your life now. Don’t wait for some imagined utopia. Don’t wait or wish that you could be somewhere else where you could really enjoy yourself. Instead, enjoy where you are. Stop worrying or complaining about what you have to do. Get busy, do it, and choose to enjoy it. It may not be fun, it may not be exciting, it may not be glamorous, yet you can still enjoy it. You can still enjoy it, and by enjoying it you’ll be better at it.

But how can you enjoy yourself when you have bills to pay, when your house is at risk of foreclosure, when you’ve lost your job, or you have a serious medical condition, or there are problems with family members?

How can you enjoy yourself in times like that?

Well, the question is, how can you afford not to enjoy yourself? Because enjoying what you’re doing is going to help get you through. Finding things in your life to enjoy and to treasure will give you the motivation and incentive to address those difficult problems and to get beyond them. You don’t have to pretend that everything is great to enjoy yourself. You can actually enjoy the challenges. You can enjoy the fact that you’re able to make a difference, and that you’re able to successfully take on the challenges that come up. It’s not easy to do that. It’s probably not very comfortable to do that. It could be complicated, and messy, and frustrating. And yet, you can take great satisfaction in creating value. You can take satisfaction in starting with a difficult situation and transforming it into an achievement, transforming it into a life that you desire to live, a life that you enjoy living. You can take satisfaction and enjoyment from working your way through the difficulties.

-Ralph Marston 

Set The Direction

What you think of yourself has a major impact on what you do with your life. Think more positively about yourself and your world, and every area of your life will reflect it.

All day long, every day, your mind is active, with one thought after another. Instead of making those thoughts judgmental or despairing, choose to make them thankful, loving and accepting.
It’s really very easy to aim your thoughts in a positive direction. Just remind yourself to do it, and it’s done.

Think more highly of yourself, and you’ll soon find yourself living up to your improved self image. Expect the best in every situation and you’ll uncover new value wherever you look.

Just one simple, positive thought can turn your life in a more productive, effective and fulfilling direction. Imagine what a continuous flow of positive thoughts can do for your day.

What you think sets the direction for where you’ll go. Make the commitment to think the best, and enjoy reaping the rewards of a more positive, purposeful you.
— Ralph Marston

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Beautiful You Are

By adminon Sat, 14 Sep 2013

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)

A man picks up a diamond, and out of ignorance or not being able to see well, tosses it to the curb. Does that say more about the man or the diamond? It actually speaks a great deal, not of the diamond, but of the man that tossed it. When we attach our self-worth to the acceptance or approval of others, it has damaging effects. The truth is, nothing can change your worth. A diamond tossed to the curb is still a diamond. A diamond in a pile of garbage is still a diamond. A diamond thrown in a sewer is still a diamond. Nothing can change who you are and what God has designed you to be. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, God’s masterpiece and His incredible design. No matter how you are treated by others, it doesn’t change the fact that God loves you, accepts you, and likes you. He has a plan for your life. See yourself the way God sees you and you will live happier and free!

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your love towards me. Help me to always see myself the way You see me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


A sincere thank you to our Devotional Writers.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

GLOW CONFERENCE 2013 & Updates

The conference was awesome!!! God was definitely in the BUILDING!!! Thanks Jami for inviting us!!! Thanks to all those that came as well!!! 

As you all know I will be giving birth to my son in less than 4 weeks!!! Yaya!! October 12th!!   Baby Brock will be here!! Woots Woots!!! Soooo Rickeysha has graciously agreed to lead  for the month of October so look forward to hearing a powerful word from God on October 10th! Location TBA. In the meantime  stay tuned for more encouraging posts!! 

Remember: "It's not enough for us to have the light switched on, we need to live in the light; the light isn't just meant for u... "

GLOW Conference! Free Admission for Night Sessions!!!

Hello Beautiful Ladies!! Our Beautiful Sister Jami has invited us tonight to attend the GLOW Conference hosted at Calvary Revival Church in Norfolk, VA. Instead of having Women's Release at the Community Center we will be traveling to the Conference. The doors open at 6:30p.m. and it starts at 7:30p.m. anyone interested in riding with me I will be leaving my house at 7:00p.m. txt me and let me know if you want to attend! The address is listed below... HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!! :)

Calvary Revival Church

5833 Poplar Hall Drive
Norfolk, VA 23502

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Don’t Play the Part

By adminon Thu, 5 Sep 2013

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.” Matthew 5:13-14 (KJV)

The word “hypocrite” in the New Testament means an actor under an assumed character. The movie industry thrives on actors and actresses. The better they can play the role, the more money they make. Not so in the Kingdom of God. If we play the role of a follower of Jesus, while our behavior and way of life shows differently, we become what the Bible calls a hypocrite. We become in danger of experiencing God’s wrath and judgment because of a life of disobedience. Jesus paid the ultimate price so that we could experience a real change from the inside out, so that we can walk free in Christ, not bound to a life of sin and self-gratification. If we are going to follow Him truly, we must follow Him in public as well in our private lives, in our thinking and in our speaking, in business ethics and in our relationships, in church and at home. Our lives and example must show that we truly love God so we can be true lights in the world shining bright for the glory of God!

Prayer: Father, forgive me for any hypocrisy in my life. I receive Your grace to be real and holy, to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Be glorified in me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

What's in a Name?

By Matt Bancroft
July 27, 2012
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 9: 10 TNIV

Our identity is something that we want to discover and maintain. We write books on the topics of searching for significance and finding our life's purpose, but perhaps we have missed it. Maybe God doesn't want us to search this world for meaning and purpose. Could it be that God wants us to find those things in Him?
God has quite literally stolen our identity. To steal means to take something with no intention of returning it. That is exactly what we asked Him to do when we accepted Him and chose to follow Jesus. The sin that was bored into our soul was replaced by the law of God, written onto each of our hearts. That same name was a refuge to an army of Israel, it defeated a giant, rescued God's people from Egypt and the name was nailed to a cross for my sin and yours.
That name is etched into our hearts. God has stolen our identity. We are representatives of the most powerful name in the universe. That is the name I call upon when I am weak. That is the name that has redeemed my soul and cleansed me. That name is everything.
This devotion is adapted from an article on
Talk About It
How can surrendering your identity to Christ's empower you to find an even greater sense of personal identity?

Yes, Millennials, You Need the Local Church

By James Dwyer
September 5, 2013
4 reasons Millennials should stay plugged in.
If you were asked to picture the regular attendees of an average local church, a few things might come to mind:
You might think of a quaint, middle-class family who bring their 2.5 kids to church every Sunday before heading back to their mundane jobs Monday morning. You might picture a gaggle of teenagers who came just to see their friends or the occasional college student who still goes to church out of habit.
But chances are, you don’t imagine world changers, visionaries or even fired-up young people sitting in those pews every Sunday morning. And maybe you think that if you join those people you just pictured, you’ll become just like your caricature of them: flat and apathetic or unaware of the needs around you.
The local church holds a key place in the life of any Christian—Millennial or not—and its impact, importance and influence should not be dismissed.
Many Millennials fear being “domesticated” by the local church—that being involved will quench any passion for God or put out the flames of faith. For many, it’s not God that is the issue, it’s the Church. The idea of living an adventurous life for God, following where He leads and stepping out in faith is, for many, a juxtaposition of what life in the local church is like.
Yet the local church holds a key place in the life of any Christian—Millennial or not—and its impact, importance and influence should not be dismissed. Here are a few reasons Millennials need to be involved in the local church.
The local church roots Millennials in a community
Millennials are, more than any other generation, prone to not putting down roots. The tendency among Millennials is to drift—to find satisfaction wherever it appears best, and then to move on when the grass gets greener on the other side.
The local church, by its nature, is deeply ingrained in its community. The local church is known by those around it, and in return knows those around it. The ability to know those to whom you are ministering is deeply impactful. It allows for relationships to be built, nurtured and maintained.
Many Millennials are, in fact, looking for this deep level of community, but sadly do not see the local church as providing it. There is a sense of belonging and doing life together that can only be found in the local church. For a generation looking for community, integrity and authentic relationships, it doesn’t get much better than the local church.
The local church provides Millennials with wise people to learn from
The rise of the Millennial generation—and the potential that comes with them—is one of the most exciting and exhilarating factors the worldwide church faces at the moment. The local church offers a safe environment for Millennials to grow, develop fruits and discern their paths—all the while supported and equipped by wiser figures who have been there and done it before.
This element of local church life is one of the most under-exaggerated, and yet has an impact that is almost impossible to quantify. Having older, wiser figures around allows Millennials the space to push themselves, receive counsel and— importantly for this perfectionist generation—fail.
The local church gains as much from Millennials as they pour into it
Millennials want to contribute. They want to change the world and be part of making the world a better place. For many, that passion is a key component behind their motivation to constantly seek new challenges and fresh situations.
Being part of a local church allows Millennials to pour themselves into that which they are passionate about—social justice, education, charitable work, ministry and so on. As a result, almost every time, there is a noticeable effect on the church.
Service in church should certainly not be carried out with an end goal of gaining praise in mind, but at the same time, there is a huge benefit to the wider church body of having a core of Millennials. This younger generation constantly pushes the boundaries, pushes the church forward and often has a vision bigger than many others. This will inevitably lead to times where they bite of more than they can chew, but the positive impact and surge in excitement felt by the wider church is unquestionable.
The local church provides millennials with a safe, secure place at a time of transition
The impact of being part of a local church is transformative.
Those in the Millennial age bracket face a huge time of transition. Finishing school, starting work, finding a partner, starting a family, buying a house—these are only some of the major life events Millennials encounter. At a time of life when there is so much in flux and so much uncertainty, having a local church to call home, surrounded and supported by a community on your side, has invaluable benefits.
Those not plugged into and rooted in a local church face the risk of letting church attendance slip when life gets busy—the tendency being that of all the things to give up, church goes first. Millennials at the heart of a local church are much more likely to be supported, convicted and challenged to ensure their faith and relationship with God is at the heart of all they do.
There is no such thing as a perfect local church. But the impact of being part of a local church is transformative. It is tragic to see so many—millennial or not—abandon the local church in search of either a perfect church (of which there are none) or a lifestyle outside of church.
Bill Hybels was right when he said, “The local church is the hope of the world.” That is a truth the Millennial generation must grab hold of and fully embrace. If they do, they and their churches have the potential to change the world.

5 Lies Every Twentysomething Needs to Stop Believing

By Paul Angone
September 3, 2013
Sarah had been told all her life she could do anything she wanted, that success was right around the corner. But now, stuck in a menial job at 25, with no big career in sight, she—like many twentysomethings—was feeling the pangs of disillusionment.
This sense of disillusionment often stems from the lies we’ve been told and have told ourselves. We’ve been lied to, and these lies are holding us back.
You are not alone in your struggle, questions, wondering what’s next?, now what? or do I have what it takes?
Too many twentysomethings are driving through the twists and turns of their twenties with windshields covered in mud, lies and half-truths. And then we wonder why so many of us have crashed?
We need to hose these lies off right now or spend our twenties stuck on the side of the road.
If we’re going to walk forward with the answers to the major questions we should be asking, successfully navigating our twenties, then we need to stop believing the following lies right now:
1. I’m the Only One Struggling
I would love to lock this lie away in a Serbian prison and give the key to a pack of Arctic wolves to defend. You are not alone in your struggle, questions, wondering what’s next?, now what? or do I have what it takes?
Our twenties are tough. That’s the truth. Too many twentysomethings are struggling through a quarter-life crisis all alone.
We all need help. We all need support. We all need nudges, prompts, advice and encouragement.
No one has it all figured out. The twentysomethings who think they do are in for the biggest shock of all.
2. I Should Be Successful by Now! Like Right Now!
I fully expected to walk straight into a crazy-successful twentysomething life with accolades, salaries, bonuses, a big-old-fat-book-deal, and a plethora of people who wanted to learn my secrets to success, all by 23 years old. Maybe 25 if I really hit some serious setbacks.
I didn’t realize that success takes time—loads of time.
Success is not an Egg McMuffin, delivered to us for a $3, three minute investment.
No, success is the Sistine Chapel—it takes years, pain, frustration, thousands of brushes, colors and crumpled up sketches before you have your masterpiece.
Countless famed figures we idolize—such as Abraham Lincoln—failed drastically in their twenties. Even Jesus, who never failed at anything, didn't begin his active, recorded ministry until he was in his thirties.
Success is not a sprint, it’s an Ironman marathon, and our twenties aren’t really about running the actual race. No, our twenties are simply about building our endurance so that we can run the race in the future.
If you take one step towards your dream today, you are a success. Success happens in the details.
3. Life is Not Turning Out Like it Was Supposed To
Well, kind of. Yes, life is not turning out like it was supposed to, but what the heck is supposed to? There is no supposed to. Supposed to is a lie. Supposed to is built on the perception of someone else’s perceived success.
Live your life right now exactly as it is and do your best to keep moving forward into where you want to go. That’s what you’re supposed to do.
4. I Don’t Have What it Takes
I 100 percent guarantee you have what it takes. I triple-stamp a double-stamp, 100 percent money-back guarantee you have what it takes. It’s just going to take some time to figure out what exactly “it” is.
Our twenties are a process, not a surprise party. You don’t just walk into the door and all of the sudden your calling jumps out from behind the couch. God has put all of us on a journey and as much as we might want to dash to the finish line, we're going to have to take our time to let Him teach us what exactly that finish line is.
Our twenties are a process, not a surprise party. You don’t just walk into the door and all of the sudden your calling jumps out from behind the couch.
You are extremely talented at something. We just need to start pulling off the layers to get a glimpse of what that something is.
5. I am a Failure
The only failure of our twenties would be if we never had any.
The only failure of our twenties is if we fail and then call ourselves failures.
Our twenties are going to be riddled with failure. Anyone that tells you otherwise is a liar. But you don't have to define yourself by your failures.
Failure is not a period, it’s a comma. And only if you stop trying will you really fail.
There’s only one way to be successful in our twenties—fail, tweak, then try again.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Friend To Friend

Today’s Truth
To one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him, it is sin (James 4:17, NASB).
Friend to Friend
Procrastination is one of the greatest sources of stress in life. I once heard a preacher tell the old story of three demons who were arguing over the best way to destroy the Christian movement. The first demon had it all figured out. “Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no heaven. If we take away the reward incentive, their movement will collapse,” he said. The second demon responded with, “No, I have a better idea. Let’s tell all the Christians that there really is no hell. If we take away their fear of punishment, their movement will collapse.” The third demon offered, “Both of those are great ideas, but there is a better way. Let’s tell all the Christians that there is no hurry.” The other demons applauded in delight! “That’s it!” they said. “Our best weapon of all is procrastination.”
Procrastination is understandable and normal – humanly speaking – but procrastination is not part of God’s best plan for our lives. We don’t often view procrastination as sin, but it is. Sin is not merely doing wrong. It is failing to do what you know you should do – when you know you should do it. Knowledge equals responsibility. Procrastination and disobedience are just opposite sides of the same coin.
Sin usually brings pleasure for at least the moment. If you are on a diet and want to have just one bite of a chocolate candy bar – but end up eating three chocolate candy bars – it is because you wanted more of that chocolate pleasure and simply could not make yourself stop at one bite – right? Or maybe you go shopping with a set amount you can spend on a new pair of shoes and end up buying three pairs of shoes only to realize that you need a dress to go with them, and a new purse to go with the dress, and new jewelry to match the shoes, purse and dress and … well, you get the idea. It is easy to understand how we get caught up in sins like gluttony, lust and greed because they all bring momentary pleasure. 
Procrastination is different in that it helps us avoid doing the things we don’t want to do – the tasks that require personal discipline and a commitment to godly goals. Wasting time often creates a restless feeling that produces a sense of failure. When the deadline we were supposed to meet has come and gone, or the dreaded task we keep putting off spirals out of control – guilt sets in. We try to rationalize it away when the simple truth is that we have sinned.
The key to dealing with procrastination begins with a commitment to obey God and exercise His wisdom. Joyce Meyer once said, "Wisdom always chooses to do now what it will be satisfied with later on."
We can choose to be led by wisdom rather than our momentary feelings.
We can choose to make right choices.
We can learn to be good stewards of the time God has given us. 
I once attended a leadership conference that changed my life in many ways. The speakers did not talk about money or success. They focused on the fact that God created each one of us in response to His unique plan for our lives. One of the simplest but most powerful mottos I came away from that conference with was: “Do it now!” Do you realize that it takes as much energy to avoid a task as it does to do it? Procrastination drains energy while action produces energy. God empowers us to do what He calls us to do.
Matthew 6:33 (NCV) “The thing you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what God wants. Then all these other things you need will be given to you.”
Truth is for now. God is not impressed with good intentions. Obedience today is the greatest preparation for every tomorrow. So do what you know to do today! The Proverbs 31 woman did. In fact, Scripture tells us she could “laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25). In other words, this woman fully lived in the present but carefully planned and prepared for the future. Proverbs 31:19 indicates that she made thread with her hands and weaved her own cloth: “In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers.” Notice she only made thread and cloth – not the finished product of clothes. That was a task for the future. She was simply getting ready today to meet the needs of tomorrow. The result was a life filled with hope and lived out in purpose.
Let’s Pray
Father, please forgive me for putting off what I know You want me to do. Help me learn to be more disciplined with my time. Teach me how to find and live by Your priorities for my life. I want to do what You created me to do, Lord. Show me how to live a life of power and purpose.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
Now It’s Your Turn
Procrastination is really about loving self and pleasing self above others. Romans 12:10 tells us that we should love each other deeply and honor others more than ourselves. The moments God give us really do matter now and eternally. We are responsible for how we spend them. Each moment in time represents an eternal opportunity. Evaluate your life in light of these truths. How well do you invest your time? What one change can you make this week to overcome procrastination? Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable to make that change.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I read this from Tyler Perry

I just wrote this to a very dear friend of mine that is going through a tough time. I thought I'd share it with you too.
When I read the bible, I love when God asks a question. He doesn't ask for Himself. He already knows the answer. He asks us because he wants us to understand and get it.
He asked Adam, "Where art thou?" Sometimes we don't realize where we are in life and it takes the voice of God to remind us.
He asked Moses, "What is that that you have in your hand?" Many times the very blessing we need is already in our grasp.
He asked Malachi, "Will a man rob God?" It's so easy to give our time to everything but the work of The Lord.
He asked Ezekiel, "Can these bones live?" Sometimes you may think a situation in your life has died, but God is reminding you that it can live. It's not dead. It's not over.
He asked a lame man, "Wilt thou be made whole?" God already knows He has the power to deliver you but you need to want to be delivered.
He asked Abraham, "Is there anything too hard for God?"
Think about that as you're going through life. I don't care what it looks like. There is nothing too hard for God to do.
Praying for you today. Your friend and brother,

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Great Read

The Reflection of Christ

Have you spent time with God this week? What is your reflection revealing? When Moses descended Mount Sinai after being with God, his face reflected the Glory of God so much that people of Isreal feared for their lives. Moses had to cover his face so the people could look upon him. 

Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai. When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. But whenever he entered the Lord ’s presence to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord. (Exodus 34:32-35 NIV)

Elisha A Tale of Ridiculous Faith - Part 2

Elisha A Tale of Ridiculous Faith-Part 1

Have Faith and Be Patient

By adminon Sat, 17 Aug 2013

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Hebrews 6:12 (KJV)
Is it possible to have great faith, but lack patience? Do you believe your favorite store has exactly what you need, but you don’t want to wait in line to purchase it? No, if you know the store has what you need, you will gladly wait in line for it. So often we are deceived into thinking that we can have faith but struggle with patience, while it’s an inability to wait that shows our lack of faith. Faith and patience goes hand in hand. Because you doubt Him, you bite your nails wondering “When Lord!” It is our impatience that shows our slothfulness in believing. It takes strength to stand firm until God moves in our lives. True spiritual muscle is shown when you keep standing in faith and continue to move forward while you wait for God to manifest what He promised. He will always do His part. You must be sure to do yours.
Prayer: Father, I thank You for Your wisdom today. Forgive me for being impatient and doubtful. Help me stand and continue to move forward as You work things out for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Monday, August 5, 2013

There is No Failure in God

By adminon Mon, 5 Aug 2013

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV)

You can’t lose in God. In Him, there is no failure. Every test produces a great testimony. All of the mess, in the end, will provide you with a powerful message that God will use to bless others. Even in death, you go on to experience living in heaven for eternity. Either way, you win! For this reason, you can always rejoice and hope in the Lord. While the enemy looks for holes in your faith and weak areas to attack in your life, God has already planned how He will be glorified and how you will be purified and strengthened in your faith, when it’s all said and done. Receive the champion mind of Christ and lift up your head! Your steps are ordered by the Lord and you are victorious in Him.

Prayer: Father God, thank You for always causing me to triumph in every situation. In You, there is no failure. You always win. Therefore, I always win in Christ. I receive the champion mind of Christ and I thank You for giving me the victory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

A sincere thank you to our Daughters of the King Daily Devotional Writers.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Be Careful What You Do in the Storm

By adminon Mon, 29 Jul 2013

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Psalm 34:8 (KJV)

Have you ever heard the saying, “never make temporary decisions based on permanent circumstances”? When we are in the middle of a stormy situation, often the natural response is to react emotionally rather than respond properly. So we cut people off, cut off from groups and organizations, and even cut our hair. We forget that storms don’t last forever.  Every trouble and trial we face in life has an expiration date. It will end one day and the sun will shine again. The important thing is not to not do something in the storm that you will regret once things are better again. The friends we cut off are the friends we may miss when things change. Learn to whether the storm because joy will come and the sun will shine.

Prayer: Father God, I am so thankful for Your wisdom.  Whatever I face in life, help me stay reminded that it is only temporary. You have my life in Your hands and You are faithful to deliver. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A sincere thank you to our Daughters of the King Daily Devotional Writers.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

It Is Written

By adminon Thu, 25 Jul 2013

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 (KJV)

Jesus used the Word to combat the enemy. He could not hope or wish Satan away. Satan tricks are still the same. Satan knows what can cause you to stumble. He knows the Word and how to twist it to get you to unwrap that package. He knows what to pull from your past, what to whisper in your ear, and what to place on your path to keep you from reaching your God-given destiny. God has told us how to defeat the enemy. It is still by three words, “It Is Written”. A sword lying on the desk, a table or a nightstand is no help at all. As long as it is laying, you are vulnerable and Satan will do whatever necessary to keep you focused on anything but your destiny in Christ. As you meditate on scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth to you, you sharpen your weapon. Beloved, pick up your sword and allow the Holy Spirit to make His truth your truth. So when you are confronted, you can boldly say “in the name of Jesus It Is Written.” (Read Matthew 4)

Father God, thank You for the power of Your Word. Lord, help me to spend time in Your Word daily so that more of You will develop in me. Father, I seek this to defeat the enemy daily so that I may be counted as one who completed the race in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

A sincere thank you to our Daughters of the King Daily Devotional Writers.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why pray?

  • Prayer not only establishes a relationship with God, it is vital to maintaining our relationship with Him. To illustrate, two friends who are in constant communion learn about each other, do things together, and share problems with each other. Thus, the key element of prayer is that it establishes a relationship with God. Abraham experienced this in Genesis 18:16-33.

    This is evidenced in the life of Jesus. He constantly went before God in prayer to determine God’s will and direction, resist temptation, ask for courage, discover what His Father in heaven would do, offer thanksgiving, pray for others, etc. Matthew 26:36-39 and Mark 14:34-41 describe Jesus being very distressed about His crucifixion. He brings this matter to His Father, seeking His will.

    Other Scriptures have Jesus directing believers to pray. Mark 13:33 tells us to watch and pray, for we do not know when the time will come for His return.

    Jesus offers thanks before feeding the crowd in Luke 9:16. In John 11:41-45, Jesus thanks God aloud for hearing His prayer for Lazarus “for the sake of all these people standing here, so they will believe you sent me." John chapter 17 describes Jesus interceding in prayer for his disciples and all believers. John 17:20 says, “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony.”
  • Prayer is recognizing who God is and offering Him glory, honor, and adoration. Examples of this are found throughout the Bible, especially in the Psalms. Jesus illustrates this in the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
  • Prayer is seeking direction from God. In Matthew 7:7-11, Jesus talks about asking, seeking, and knocking, “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.” Jesus encourages us to ask God for things. “If you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?”
  • The Apostles reflected Jesus’ attitude toward prayer and encouraged and commended prayer in their writings. In Philippians 4:6, Paul tells believers to pray for everything with thanksgiving. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Paul writes, “Keep on praying.” Prayer, for Paul, is the ultimate lifeline for the believer to God. James 1:5-7 says, “If you need wisdom -- if you want to know what God wants you to do -- ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”
Why pray? Jesus is a prime example of a life lived by prayer that offers relevance, purpose, answers, and most of all, a relationship with God the Father. Jesus prayed wholeheartedly for every move He made, asking God for guidance, leading, and direction. He prayed prayers of thanks, prayers for healing, prayers for His disciples, and prayers for believers -- present and future.

Prayer is essential to fellowship with God. Not just to have our prayers answered by God, nor just because the Scriptures tell us to, though that is reason enough. God is the Father of the entire human race, and God cares for us. (1 Peter 5:7) This means the child of God can pray, ask, and cast all his care upon God, his Father. Paul states in Romans 8:15, when we are His children, adopted into His family, we can begin calling him, "Father, dear Father."

Why Pray? James 5:16 provides another worthwhile answer. “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” Why pray? God says it makes quite an impact!